Egg Free Macarons
Egg Free Macarons ....... They are are definitely a love at first site. My household is typical Hindu household where we don't get eggs at home (though we can eat outside but not cook at home). I always believed that this rule has never been a trouble at my home that face while making my cooking choices. So I must have thrown couple of batches of Macarons while learning how to make the Macarons by using the Aquafaba (egg substitute it is. It is a concentration of chick pea water). I failed miserably when I used the canned cheak pea water so I made one at home and trust me I was never so happy with myself experimenting in kitchen. Macarons are French and expensive. They are more expensive than the average sweet treat because of the costly ingredients and the time and expertise involved in making it. Almond flour and egg whites (which here is substituted by Aquafaba) are the two main ingredients that make up a M acaron . In relation to other flours, almond flour i...